Comparing vocoded-speech recognition with low-frequency auditory versus tactile stimulation


Susan Nittrouer, Ph.D.

IRB Numbers


Study Description

This study is being done to see if presenting a signal through a vibrating disk on the back of the wrist helps to better understand sentences processed using a cochlear implant simulation. We will check your hearing and then you will be asked to listen to sentences over headphones or over a speaker at a comfortable listening level, and to repeat what you heard. While listening to some of the sentences, you will wear a vibrating disk on your wrist or hand, that vibrates in a similar way to a smart watch. The session will be audio-video recorded while you do this activity, to help with scoring.

Participants will receive $15 cash or one unit of extra credit for participating, as well as a parking voucher if needed.

Participant Requirements

Listeners between the ages of 18 and 30, with normal hearing, who learned English as a first language.

Estimated Duration of Experiment

This study will take one hour.

Number of Subjects Needed



Shands Dental Tower, Ground Floor, DG-134

Contact Information

Email, call (352) 273-6808, or go to