- Follow all Instructions in a timely manner
- Deadlines are final
- If you are unsure about any issue, contact your mentor first, contact the department chair second.
Before you travel – Step 1
Start Early
Any student potentially seeking travel funds should notify the department chair at the time of responding to the call for papers.
Before you travel – Step 2
Complete SLHS travel information form
Before you travel – Step 3
Provide Sue Beebe (sueb@phhp.ufl.edu) with the following information – For compliance with Clery Act
- Dates of conference attendance (start and end date):
- Educational purpose:
- Address of lodging:
- Arrival date of lodging
- Departure date of lodging
- Address of conference (hotel and/or Convention center)
- Local law enforcement agency
- Law enforcement agency address, phone #, and email
- Will there be a SLHS faculty member attending? If yes, provide the name of the faculty member.
Before you travel – Step 4
Apply for Internal Awards
UF Office of Research – $400 with matching funds from department
- https://research.ufl.edu/research-program-development/research_program_development_docs/travel.pdf
- Requires letter from chair specifying matching funds – submit request to department chair
- Form must be routed to dean’s office for signature
After your trip – Step 5
- Upon your return, submit documentation to Eileen Phillips for reimbursement within 3 business days.
- Reimbursements for travel cannot be processed until the trip has occurred.
- Original receipts are required, and all receipts must be itemized.
- If airfare is being reimbursed, the receipt must show the class code. Only economy class is allowed and regular seating (no preferred seating).
- UF does not pay for travel insurance.